



the team

the team of isiconsult

Dr. René John


Social scientist, managing associate. Professional expertise in the fields of innovation and social change, social commitment, organizational research and gender studies. Methodological competence in qualitative and quantitative social research.


Prof. Dr. Melanie Jaeger-Erben


Psychologist and sociologist, associate. Professorship for “Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research” at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the TU Berlin. Expertise in consumer research, change of social practices, social science technology research and material culture. Methodological competencies in qualitative social research, mixed methods and transdisciplinarity.

Prof. Dr. Jana Rückert-John


Social scientist, associate. Holder of the professorship “Sociology of Food” at the University of Fulda. Speaker of the DGS-Section “Sociology of Agriculture, Agriculture and Nutrition”. Membership in the DGS-Section “Environmental Sociology”, the Consumer Sociology of the European Sociological Association (ESA) and Chair of the “Network Nutrition Culture”. Expertise in the fields of environmental sociology, sustainable consumption and nutrition, and gender research. Methodological competencies in quantitative and qualitative social research and statistics.


Dr. Alva Bonaker


Social and regional scientist. Studied Social Sciences and Regional Studies with a focus on South Asia at Humboldt University Berlin, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (Georg-August University Göttingen). Since 2022 research associate at the Institute for Social Innovation, Berlin. Expertise in nutrition, education and poverty in India, social engagement and civic participation. Methodological competence in qualitative and quantitative social research. Research interests include social inequalities, social policy, and food security.

Alexandra von Brunn, M.Sc.


Environmental and Resource Economist. Studied economics and resource management at the University of Augsburg, Humboldt University of Berlin and University of Dayton. Since 2023 Research Associate at the Institute for Social Innovation, Berlin. Expertise in alternative economy concepts, urban climate resilience, and sustainable land use. Methodological skills in qualitative and quantitative social research, especially actor-network analysis and qualitative interviews. Research interests include social-ecological systems approaches, particularly in the context of urban and regional transformations.


Anna Petzenhammer, B.SC.


Nutritionist and household scientist with a focus on education, politics and society. Studied Oecotrophology at Fulda University of Applied Sciences and Public Health at Oslo Metropolitan University. Since June 2023 Research Associate at the Institute for Social Innovation in Berlin. Research interests are nutritional science and consumer-related research topics.

Marieke Luisa Marken, M.Sc.

Marieke Marken

Environmental and sustainability scientist with a focus on the socio-ecological transformation of society. Studied environmental sciences at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and natural resource management at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Since fall 2023 Research Associate at the Institut für Sozialinnovation in Berlin. Professional expertise in environmental justice, urban climate resilience and adaptation, climate policy and governance, sustainable agriculture and nutrition. Methodological skills in evaluation as well as in qualitative and quantitative social research, especially in interview research.

Marieke Marken

Jonas John, B.A.


Japanologist and social scientist specializing in politics, protest research and governance.
Academic training at the Free University of Berlin and Sophia University in Japan in the field of social science studies of Japan.
Research assistant at the Institute for Social Innovation in Berlin since 2018 and research associate since September 2024.
Research interests include geopolitical relations, gender studies and nutrition, and youth culture.

Elena Bettenhäuser, B.SC., B.A.

Sociologist and geographer. Studied social sciences and geography at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Universidade de Lisboa with a focus on human-environment relations. Studied Resource Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Geography of Global Inequalities at Freie Universität Berlin with a research focus on global North-South relations, land use conflicts and climate justice. Since 2024 student assistant at the Institute for Social Innovation Berlin.