


Analysis of software-based influence on shortened useful life of products

Zeitraum October 2019 – September 2021

Auftraggeber Federal Environment Agency, BMU

Kooperationspartner Fraunhofer IZM, Öko-Institut e.V., TU Berlin

Technological progress and digitization have a facilitating and pleasant effect on the one hand, but on the other hand lead to a considerable environmental impact due to rapid obsolescence.

Since software-related obsolescence can be expected to become a significant socio-ecological problem, countermeasures must be taken. Through a broad expertise and the inclusion of inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives, different sectors are analyzed in interaction and causes of software-related shortened use and life cycles are identified. From this, environmental policy measures and further options for action can be developed.

If you want to know more: Flyer_Sobo19

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