

Concept study on the applicability of Citizen Science in the departmental research of the Federal Environment Agency

Duration August 2015 – May 2016

Project manager Dr. René John

Client BMUB, UBA

Cooperation partner technopolis |group|, nexus Institut für Kooperationsmanagement und interdisziplinäre Forschung, Museum of Natural History Berlin

The concept study aims to examine the extent to which Citizen Science is applicable in Federal Environment Agency’s (UBA) departmental research with a view to concrete examples. It will analyze the purposes and forms of Citizen Science that can be usefully applied, where appropriate, in UBA’s departmental research and in environmental policy as a whole.

In addition, positive effects for citizens and the social added value of Citizen Science projects of the UBA are determined. It discusses how Citizen Science can strengthen the legitimacy, practicality, and acceptance of departmental research. The results are brought together in a concept that provides an introduction to the topic of citizen science, elaborates the conditions for success for its use in departmental research, and identifies possible fields of application.

Final report at UBA and BMUB

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