

Dialogues on the Waste Prevention Program II

Duration September 2020 – May 2022

Project manager Dr. René John

Client Umweltbundesamt

Cooperation partner Stakeholder Reporting, Wuppertal Institut, INTECUS GmbH Abfallwirtschaft

The large quantities of waste that are constantly produced are valuable raw materials. Waste prevention is therefore of great importance. The first waste prevention program of the federal and state governments responds to this. However, the approaches often lack practical relevance, which is why a stronger concretization and binding nature of waste prevention is necessary.

The project will identify these through analysis and workshops with stakeholders in four thematic areas (textiles, disposables, event management, and education/intercultural communication). Through innovative discussion and participation formats, concrete approaches to action and instruments are to be developed that are jointly supported and implemented by the relevant stakeholders. With webinars, this will be integrated into the design of the questions and thus also the workshops, in order to also develop a stronger agreement of shared responsibility for the approaches discussed there.

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