

Integrated sustainability assessment of alternative protein sources and analogs and transformation pathways of two selected alternatives.

Duration December 2022 – January 2025

Project manager Jana Rückert-John, Alva Bonaker, Frederic Grobler

Client Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

Cooperation partner corsus – corporate sustainability GmbH (Auftragnehmener), DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e.V.

Against the background of a growing global demand for proteins and at the same time significant negative impacts of the production of animal products, the focus of the project is on the exploration of alternative protein sources and analogues. The aim is to obtain an overview of current processes, raw materials and products for the provision of alternative proteins and analogues and to investigate, on the basis of a selection, how likely and desirable the diffusion of these alternatives is.

The study of the ecological impact of alternative protein sources and analogues is covered by corsus and the DIL. ISIconsult’s focus is on the social, health and animal welfare dimensions, as well as the investigation and development of transformation pathways for two selected alternatives.

In the first step, the relevant criteria for the evaluation of the three sustainability dimensions – social, animal welfare and health – with respective importance for the 20 alternative protein sources and analogues selected in the project will be elaborated. Based on these criteria and the current state of knowledge, the alternatives are evaluated in terms of sustainability in the respective areas. For this purpose, literature and data research as well as interviews with experts will be conducted.

Innovation and transformation theories are used to explore the transformation pathways of two selected alternative protein sources and/or analogues. For example, social acceptance, the state of the art and innovation potential, as well as “plausibility” (the probability of diffusion), and “desirability” are taken into account to characterize future development potential in the context of environmental sustainability and social development.

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