Evaluation of the development process in the innovation lab
Zeitraum August 2019 – December 2019
Auftraggeber Diakonie Deutschland
Kooperationspartner Dr. Sigrid Gronbach
From August 2019, ISIconsult will accompany the project as an evaluator.
Evaluation as part of the BMFSFJ funding program “Securing the Future of Welfare – Digitalization” Project of Diakonie Deutschland: “Management and Innovation”.
In February 2019, the German Federal Cabinet approved the National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste presented by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
As part of the WWF project "CLIF - Climate Impacts of Food", ISIconsult is conducting a social-empirical study together with Zühlsdorf + Partner on the relevant sustainability impacts of food consumption in Paraguay, Thailand, South Africa and Germany.
ISIconsult accompanies target-oriented measures in the field of nutrition in the state of Brandenburg in 2023 and 2024. The aim is to win over actors in the food system to participate in the implementation of the strategic goals and to record implementation measures by means of monitoring.
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