


Interdependent gender aspects of the areas of need mobility, food, housing, clothing, community consumption and digitalization as the basis of urban environmental protection.

Zeitraum January 2017 – December 2019

Auftraggeber BMUB, UBA

Kooperationspartner artec Universität Bremen, GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice

In order to do justice to current urbanization processes in the sense of sustainable urban development, the inclusion of gender aspects is unavoidable. Insights into behavior and responsibilities, such as the unequal distribution of care work between the sexes, different income distributions, but also gender-specific consumption and nutrition practices are elementary.

In the project, gender aspects for environmentally relevant urban research are elaborated by means of a comprehensive, systematic literature research and evaluation. The analysis is structured along the areas of need mobility, food, housing, clothing, community consumption and digitalization. This will be followed by gender analyses of programs and policies related to urban development (e.g. Habitat III, New Urban Agenda, SDGs). The aim of the project is to develop research recommendations with a special focus on gender aspects in order to give impulses for a more target group specific urban environmental protection.

Weitere Projekte

December 2022 – January 2025

Against the background of a growing global demand for proteins and at the same time significant negative impacts of the production of animal products, the focus of the project is on the exploration of alternative protein sources and analogues. The aim is to obtain an overview of current processes, raw materials and products for the provision of alternative proteins and analogues and to investigate, on the basis of a selection, how likely and desirable the diffusion of these alternatives is.

November 2021 – September 2024

In February 2019, the German Federal Cabinet approved the National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste presented by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

July 2022 – November 2024

As part of the WWF project "CLIF - Climate Impacts of Food", ISIconsult is conducting a social-empirical study together with Zühlsdorf + Partner on the relevant sustainability impacts of food consumption in Paraguay, Thailand, South Africa and Germany.