

Support for the implementation of the National Program for Sustainable Consumption

Duration January 2016 – December 2019

Project manager Dr. Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Prof. Dr. Jana Rückert-John

Client BMUB, UBA

Cooperation partner adelphi, IÖW

Within the project, ISIconsult supports the implementation of the National Program for Sustainable Consumption as well as the associated competence center in the partner consortium.

For this purpose, a web-based national action and information platform will be created as a central information medium to make relevant background information on the national program, progress of the implementation process and results available to the interested public. In addition, a network is being built up within the framework of various event formats, which is intended both to bring about broad social acceptance for sustainable consumption and to promote the emergence of new initiatives and exchanges of experience. In addition, the strategic further development of individual program elements is to be made possible – with regard to an update of the national program.

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ISIconsult accompanies target-oriented measures in the field of nutrition in the state of Brandenburg in 2023 and 2024. The aim is to win over actors in the food system to participate in the implementation of the strategic goals and to record implementation measures by means of monitoring.

July 2022 – May 2024

As part of the WWF project "CLIF - Climate Impacts of Food", ISIconsult is conducting a social-empirical study together with Zühlsdorf + Partner on the relevant sustainability impacts of food consumption in Paraguay, Thailand, South Africa and Germany.