The production and consumption of food in Germany is associated with environmental problems, especially with regard to intensive animal husbandry for food production. Health problems are also associated with the consumption of animal products, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. From the perspective of a more sustainable diet, a ‘Dietary Shift’ is therefore urgently needed (WBAE 2020). Against this background, the DUH project “Positive Campaign to Strengthen Plant-Based Dietary Environments” aims to contribute to reducing the animal share in the diet to a level that is compatible with humans, animals and the environment (One Health approach). The purpose of the target group analysis is to identify ways to reach different groups for a positive campaign on more plant-based diets, since the willingness to make dietary changes varies greatly depending on age, gender, family situations, and other socioeconomic factors. Therefore, the target group analysis will compile previous findings about the different groups from scientific studies and surveys (A). In addition, the target group analysis includes the development of four personas (fictitious individuals) including short profiles that depict the most important socio-demographic characteristics, consumption preferences as well as accessibility for a positive campaign of the respective personas (B).
Target audience analysis for a positive campaign to strengthen more plant-based food environments
Zeitraum October 2022 – February 2023
Auftraggeber Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.
Weitere Projekte
June 2023 – December 2024
ISIconsult accompanies target-oriented measures in the field of nutrition in the state of Brandenburg in 2023 and 2024. The aim is to win over actors in the food system to participate in the implementation of the strategic goals and to record implementation measures by means of monitoring.
November 2021 – September 2024
In February 2019, the German Federal Cabinet approved the National Strategy for Reducing Food Waste presented by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
July 2022 – November 2024
As part of the WWF project "CLIF - Climate Impacts of Food", ISIconsult is conducting a social-empirical study together with Zühlsdorf + Partner on the relevant sustainability impacts of food consumption in Paraguay, Thailand, South Africa and Germany.