

The Greening of Online Commerce: New Challenges for the Environmental Promotion of Sustainable Consumption

Duration September 2019 – August 2022

Project manager Dr. René John

Client Federal Environment Agency, BMU

Cooperation partner Ökopol GmbH, GVM, Corsus, Prof. Dr. Ralf Isenmann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus, Prof. Dr. Jan Ninnemann

Distance selling has been growing steadily in Germany and Europe for years.

Online retailing is particularly relevant in this context, as it is expected to grow by around 20 percent by 2020 and thus continue to consume a considerable amount of resources. The project analyzes the ecological implications of online commerce and identifies possible control options for environmental policy. Among other things, this will be used to form scenarios for the future design of online retailing, as well as to derive recommendations for action and develop consulting services for the Competence Center for Sustainable Consumption.

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